Cloud Telephony’s Future Tied to Digital Transformation?

The rise of the digital workforce and digital transformation are two of the most important trends driving UC adoption.
Zoran Nikolovski
Digital Marketing Guru
2 min read
October 2, 2023

We are living in a completely new post-pandemic world as a result of the ongoing digital transformation. As technology advances, we have entered an era in which work is no longer limited to a specific desk, phone, or computer screen. Professionals can share their skills and pursue new opportunities all over the world with nothing more than the right device and a proper internet connection.

Companies must find a way to serve remote users a.k.a. digital workforce. First of all, they refuse to be tethered by cords and physical locations. Especially now that remote work has paced up and is being widely accepted. As a result, a flood of fantastic communication tools has been designed for almost every touchpoint in a typical business digital transformation.

The only issue? We’ve innovated so rapidly that the sheer variety of communication tools is sufficient to overwhelm any worker or IT team. Fortunately, we have a solution. Nebry UC (Unified Communications).

Nebry UC main dashboard showcasing different widgets displaying info relevant to derive insights for the digital transformation and workforce.

What does UC bring to the table for Digital Transformation and workforce?

But first, let’s dive deep into the term “Unified Communication” or “UC”. UC describes not only how we connect different communication systems for the digital workforce, but also collaboration tools that contribute to the overall customer experience. That’s why you will often hear the phrase UC which simply means “Unified Communications.”

Unified Communications Advantages

UC simplifies the work environment in a world defined by a dizzying mix of platforms designed to suit organizations spread across vast spaces. In the same streamlined interface, the Nebry UC platform gathers everything your employees need to connect, share, and collaborate on ideas. The end results?
Boosted Productivity: Employees can connect whenever they want, using whatever device they prefer.
Cost savings: UC systems being cloud-based, are enabling businesses to shift from a Capex model to an OpenX strategy with lower upfront costs.
Efficiency: Employees can solve customer problems faster and improve your company’s reputation. How, well they can communicate and collaborate in real time.
Improved user experience: Employees enjoy the freedom to work how they want. A good UC strategy can delight your employees and even reduce turnover in your organization.

UC adoption impacting developments

The rise of the digital workforce and digital transformation are two of the most important trends driving UC adoption. The digital workforce is based on the idea that people should be able to access the tools they need to perform, no matter where they are or what device they use. Combine that with the ongoing shift to cloud computing and proven methods, and you have a perfect environment for UC.

UC is the path to better connections and productivity. This way the workforce innovates faster, crosses worldwide limitations, and explores new opportunities.

Voice over IP (VoIP)

The term “VoIP” is probably already familiar to you if you’ve recently examined your business communication strategy. VoIP stands for “Voice over Internet Protocol,” although you may also see it referred to as “Internet Telephony” or “IP Telephony” since the Internet is how this calling method transmits data.

VoIP is a method of making calls that is incredibly cost-effective. Despite being a relatively new technology in the communications field, it has quickly gained acceptance on a global scale. Indeed, many businesses have switched from “POTs” (Plain Old Telephones) to VoIP.

What is the process of VoIP?

VoIP is accessible to anyone with a dependable internet connection. The way the system functions, instead of using conventional wired connections from a local phone company, is by providing phone service through your internet connection. VoIP converts analog phone signals into digital signals that can travel over the internet. There is a variety of ways to access VoIP. As an example: An analog terminal adapter (ATA) converts a regular phone into a VoIP phone. Making use of an IP Phone: An IP Phone connects to the internet without using a landline service. A VoIP service provider can connect you directly to another VoIP user using a direct connection.

The advantages of VoIP

VoIP not only provides businesses with additional features from their phone connections, but it also provides significant cost savings. The following are the primary advantages of VoIP:

Cost savings: By establishing connections online, businesses can save money on calls. Simply make cheaper calls anywhere in the world. How? Very simple, VoIP works by sending and receiving digital packets of data over the internet.

Greater adaptability: VoIP offers businesses a lot more flexibility than standard PSTN or ISDN lines. You can virtually instantly increase or decrease the number of channels or users who use your services. Also, you only pay for the services that you use.

Enhanced mobility: VoIP allows for remote working and the hiring of employees from around the world. Simply because it doesn’t require you to be tethered to a specific landline. VoIP is also an appropriate solution for the community’s large number of deskless (on-the-go) employees.

Expedited deployment: VoIP is simple to use, quick to install, and affordable. This means that businesses of any size or shape can start reaping the benefits right away. With no upfront investment in line installations or hardware. Many VoIP phones are plug-and-play systems that have little impact on daily operations.

The various applications on your computer or IP phone can be used in conjunction with VoIP. This means you can connect to more than just voice connections. VoIP telephony frequently includes access to video calling, voicemail, website click-to-call services, recording services, messaging, and presence information, among other things.

Voice over IP is an efficient, cost-effective, and immersive way for today’s businesses to leverage the power of the cloud and a reliable internet connection.

How does Nebry UC empower digital transformation?

A constant state of flux characterizes the current business environment. The seemingly constant flow of new innovations and technology has paved the way for “digital transformation”. This empowers the transition of businesses from “traditional” methodologies to digital strategies. Adopting the right digital techniques enables businesses to become more agile and innovative.

In this “always on” digital environment, Nebry UC helps teams stay connected continuously and connects dispersed employees with key resources regardless of place or time.

Nebry UC (unified communications) or (cloud VoIP) connecting the digital workforce worldwide on a global map and empowering the digital transformation.

How will Nebry UC help you deliver better CX?

Customers are looking to commit their loyalty to someone who can provide next-level service and support as more companies enter the market. Your UC experience strategy can assist you in this by providing a means to unify your digital workforce in the pursuit of client solutions.

Nebry UC ensures that your employees have the collaboration tools, presence information, and communication strategies they need to collaborate on solving customer problems. This way, your employees will be more satisfied with their jobs, and your customers will have the experience they deserve. At the same time, a good UC strategy can provide a centralized repository of contextual information for employees. It’s utilized in responding to customer inquiries in an omnichannel environment, thus boosting digital transformation.

When escalating a conversation to a VoIP call, call center agents no longer need to switch between applications to retrieve customer information. Issues can be resolved faster and with greater satisfaction when all information is available on the same channel.

Applicability of Nebry UC for Start-Ups and SMEs

Nebry UC is becoming a powerful solution for many companies. The main reason is due to the ability to integrate desk phones, PCs, and mobile devices with a range of additional capabilities so that anyone within a Start-Up or an SME can connect with the right person, at the right time, using any device, or receive and don’t miss any calls.

Nebry UC assists Startups and SMEs in keeping their teams running smoothly with the least amount of initial investment needed for digital transformation. Indeed, cloud-based UC services have the potential to eliminate the traditional CapEx spend associated with on-premises communication. In the business environment of Startups and SMEs, Nebry UC empowers their business environments with all-encompassing cloud telephony. As a result, it ensures that all of their communications are accessible through the same streamlined interface, allowing employees to collaborate more quickly and efficiently. Startups and SMEs can use Nebry UC desktop client or mobile app to provide their employees with the tools they need to communicate effectively whether they are in the office or on the go.

Startups and SMEs are under tremendous pressure to keep costs low. As remote working becomes more popular, Nebry UC offers small businesses a cost-effective, cloud-based way to access expertise. Startups and SMEs don’t need to pay for as much physical office space with remote workers. As a result, it lowers the operating costs. Startups and SMEs want to ensure that they are at the forefront of technology. They can scale, change, or adapt the services they use with Nebry UC to meet their digital transformation evolving requirements.

Startups and SMEs can use Nebry UC to chart a course for future growth in their chosen vertical. After all, it ensures that today’s Startups and SMEs can benefit from the cloud’s scalability and flexibility. But most importantly, it’s making the workforce more adaptable and innovative.

Nebry UC for Large Enterprises

Communication in the enterprise isn’t always easy with so many people spread across a diverse environment. Large corporations must serve hundreds, if not thousands, of employees, ranging from remote workers to global staff and on-site office hires. It’s no surprise that many modern businesses rely on communication platforms that operate in inefficient organizational boundaries.

Traditional modes of communication, such as email and traditional voice calls, are incapable of keeping up with our current age of adaptability and innovation. What businesses require today is a truly unified communication platform. It has to integrate seamlessly with various applications, devices, and hardware solutions throughout the organization. The easiest way for businesses to combine their connectivity strategies as the communication options for the enterprise environment continue to develop is through UC. Whether you’re trying to address the changing needs of a multigenerational digital workforce with instant insights or analytics, or you need to quickly integrate new hires into your business processes, Nebry UC simplifies enterprise communication.

Large corporations frequently experience high turnover. As a result, they lack the time to train new employees to use a diverse set of tools. The Nebry UC system facilitates employee onboarding. Multiple carrier contracts needing upkeep and management can quickly deplete corporate funds. Nebry UC can help businesses cut costs so they can invest in new products and customer service instead. Many businesses are constrained by the limitations of their standard PBX. The business environment is becoming more competitive on a daily basis. The Nebry UC solution mitigates the issue with greater flexibility and scale for a business going through a digital transformation.

Employees struggle with fewer issues and solve customer problems faster because they can collaborate more effectively using a simple and interconnected set of tools in result providing simply better customer experience. The main goals of Nebry UC are to enhance user communications, strengthen connections between internal and external parties, and streamline business processes.

Team’s productivity

Interactive communication tools are increasingly providing solutions that work on both mobile and desktop devices. This means that your team members can contribute to tasks and collaborate with their colleagues as long as they have an internet connection. Coworkers from all over the world can work on the same project at the same time.

Your next move should be to introduce an advanced cloud telephony solution to your team and business after being aware of their idea and advantages. We are fully aware that this is not an easy choice, but delaying it will only result in greater recurring fees.

To find out more about how Nebry UC may help you meet your financial, productivity, and customer satisfaction goals, get in touch with our sales team here or:

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